
Which county did Sunil Gavaskar played for?

A.  Somerset
B.  Worcestershire
C.  Warwickshire
D.  Glamorgan

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News Archive
Request for Quotation (RFQ) to manage social media accounts of Mumbai Cricket Association
Friday, March 24 2023
MCA News
The Association invites applications from reputed agencies for managing the Social Media Accounts of the Mumbai Cricket Association for the period of one year.
The primary objectives:
To enhance awareness about MCA across the social media platforms.
The selected agency shall be responsible for the overall Digital Marketing and Communication campaigns across all social media and digital channels.
To formulate outreach and stakeholder communication strategies to build and sustain community support through awareness and engagement using Social media handles.
To effectively and innovatively disseminate information about MCA various activities to all stakeholders
To make at least 120 stories, 60 posts & 30 videos per month on an average.
To provide Videographer & Photographer to cover all events of the Association.
Eligibility Criteria:
The agency must possess the requisite experience, strength and capability in providing the services necessary to meet the requirements.
The agency must also possess the technical know-how and the financial wherewithal that would be required to successfully provide the services and support sought by the MCA, for the entire period of the Contract.
Interested Agencies should submit their proposal in two separate sealed envelopes:
Envelope A : Company Profile & Client List
Envelope B : Financial Offer
to the office of the Association on or before 29th March 2023 by 06.00 pm.
Ajinkya Naik
Deepak Patil
Jt. Secretary
News 346 of 2290